Investment Calculator

The CFE FIBRA E yield calculator is used to know the historical performance of the behavior of the Energy and Infrastructure Investment Trust Certificates issued by CFE FIBRA E, and the distributions received in the time period you have established.

This tool should be used as a regressive research tool, and the results presented do not represent certainty of the future performance of CBFEs.

Enter the investment amount
Select a starting date
Click on the button CALCULATE
I invested:
Start date:
Final date:
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Initial investment
Initial date:
Final date:
CBFE Price:
Number of CBFEs:
Amount invested:
Capital Investment
Number of CBFEs:
Final CBFE price:
Investment value today:
Capital variation:
Percentage change:
Dividends Received
Dividends per CBFE:
Dividends received:

Total Return

Mexican Pesos




Annualized Total Return

Source: Mexican Stock Exchange with data extracted from Bloomberg.