The CFE has more than 110,000 km of transmission lines, equivalent to 8.7 times around the world.
Attractive distributions compared to other investments, as it is the only instrument with exposure to the electricity transmission sector in Mexico.
Revaluation of the Trust Stock Certificates for Investment in Energy and Infrastructure (CBFEs) in line with the potential increase in the value of the assets of the CFE FIBRA E.
Access to the Mexican Energy Market through a stock instrument.
Certainty and trust in the honest and responsible management of the instrument, supported by a solid Corporate Governance structure.
Applicable tax advantages, with the understanding that at least 95% of their tax result for the immediately preceding fiscal year must be distributed among Holders in the terms of the tax provisions regarding FIBRA E.
It is the First Energy and Infrastructure Investment Trust, specialized in the electrical sector in Mexico. Allocates resources from private capital (both national and international), to be used by the CFE in strategic projects.