Corporate Governance

The CFE FIBRA E has a solid Corporate Governance that guarantees transparency, equity and accountability.

Select + to display the main functions of each of the elements.


Promoted Trust

Technical Committee


Approve budget and distributions

Monitor budget and reimbursements¹

Meeting of Holders.

Maintain the relationship with investors

Prepare performance reports and distributions

Conflict Committee

Approve the Administrator's budget

Approve Key Officials of the Administrator


Nominations Committee

Nominate independent members

Follow up on the Agreements of the Holders Assembly

Holders Assembly

Approve leverage rules and changes to the investment regime²

Approve additional emissions

Approve independent members


Review the performance of the Administrator

Approve distribution amount

Discuss and, where appropriate, approve the appointment of the External Auditor and the Tax and Accounting Advisors


Ensure compliance with accounting policies, internal control and audit rules

Review financial statements

NOTES:  1 All decisions require the approval of the independent members.
2 The leverage rules require the approval of the Technical Committee and the corrective plan requires the approval of the Conflict Committee.

CFE members
Independent members

Holders Assembly

Approve leverage rules (2) and changes to the investment regime

Approve additional emissions

Approve independent members


Review the performance of the Administrator

Approve distribution amount

Discuss and, where appropriate, approve the appointment of the External Auditor and the Tax and Accounting Advisors


Ensure compliance with accounting policies, internal control and audit rules

Review financial statements

Nominations Committee

Nominate independent members

Follow up on the Agreements of the Holders Assembly

Approve the Administrator's budget

Approve Key Officials of the Administrator

Conflict Committee

Maintain the relationship with investors

Prepare performance reports and distributions

Meeting of Holders.

Approve budget and distributions

Monitor budget and reimbursements (1)

Promoted Trust

Technical Committee


NOTES:  1 All decisions require the approval of the independent members.
2 The leverage rules require the approval of the Technical Committee and the corrective plan requires the approval of the Conflict Committee

CFE members
Independent members

A Solid Structure of Corporate Governance allows:

Equal treatment, respect and protection of the interests of all investors.

The responsible issuance and disclosure of information, as well as transparency in administration.

The generation of economic value, considering the good performance, stability and permanence of the CFE FIBRA E.

Compliance with all legal provisions to which the CFE FIBRA E is subject.

The certainty and confidence provided to investors regarding the honest and responsible conduct of the company's business.

Ensuring that the strategic direction exists, as well as the surveillance and effective performance of the administration.

The identification, administration, control and disclosure of risks.

The prevention of illicit operations and conflicts of interest.


Technical Committee of the Issuing Trust

Rodrigo Espinola Parra

Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Corporate Administration Directorate of the CFE

Rodrigo Espíndola Parra is a lawyer who graduated from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), with eighteen years of experience in federal and state public service. He holds two diplomas in Business Law and Public Administration from ITAM and the National Institute of Public Administration, respectively.
He began his professional career as a practicing attorney at the Guzmán y Asociados Law Firm, in the area of Commercial, Civil and Family Litigation.
In the public sector, he served as Legal Advisor in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Social Development. He also worked as a Career Public Servant, in the position of Legal Deputy Director in the National Coordination of the Human Development Program Oportunidades. In the Secretariat of Social Development, he served as head of the area of contracts and agreements, as president of the Committee on Transparency and Access to Information, as well as Director of Real Estate Regulation, Logistics and Control.
In the tax area, he was Legal Administrator of the General Director of the Administration and Disposal of Assets Service, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. In addition, he served as Coordinator of Commercial Bankruptcy and later as Executive Director of Administration of Insured Companies and Commercial Bankruptcy.
Since February 2019, he served as Deputy Treasurer of Tax Administration at the Secretariat of Administration and Finance of Mexico City, where he promoted various improvements to achieve more efficient and better collection of contributions, as well as close attention to taxpayers.
As of October 2024, he will serve as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services at the CFE, where he implements, coordinates and supervises actions related to market intelligence processes, as well as the contracting of goods, services, leases, works and related services for the CFE and its Subsidiary Productive Companies.

He was part of the CFEnergía affiliate company holding the position of Director of Energy Intelligence and since 2019 he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Productive Subsidiary Distribution Company, as well as a member of the Issuing Technical Committee of the CFECapital affiliate company.
In the academic field, he was coordinator and teacher of the Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance at the Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla and researcher at the Salary Observatory of the Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla and Mexico City. In addition, he has various academic and scientific articles published in academic refereed journals by CONACYT.

He has participated as a speaker in several conferences and seminars where he has addressed issues of exclusion, social mobility, bank nationalization and reprivatization, poverty, salaries, public policies, etc.
Currently, he works as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Federal Electricity Commission, developing and conducting market intelligence processes and contracting of Goods, Works and Related Services.

Hector Lizarraga

General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

He studied Mechanical Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Electronics from the Autonomous University of Baja California. He has a Master's degree in Business Management from Anáhuac University and a Diploma in Telecommunications from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey.

He has collaborated with the CFE for 32 years in different positions within the transmission sector, he was Manager of Optical Fiber Capacity Services, Manager of Expansion and Modernization, as well as Regional Manager of Transmission for Valley of Mexico and Central Region.
He is a specialist in the creation and supervision of PS projects at different stages, as well as in the design of operating procedures, analysis of technical problems and evaluation of projects.

He is currently General Director of CFE Transmission where he is responsible for the planning and coordination of the maintenance and operation of the high and medium power electrical network in the National Transmission Network, as well as the planning of both human and budgetary resources to be in a position to meet the objectives of the CFE Transmission Subsidiary Productive Company.

Mauricio Gonzalez

Independent Member

Economist from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (1976) and from the University of Chicago where he obtained a Master's degree (1978) and candidacy for a doctorate in economics (1979).
During his professional career he has combined private practice with public service. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as Deputy Director of Technical Assistance and Training at the North American Development Bank.
Between 1990 and 2003 he collaborated as Project Managing Partner and later Director of GEA Grupo de Economistas y Asociados, a consulting and economic and political analysis company in Mexico.

During 1989-1990 he was Finance Coordinator of Banco Mexicano Somex, as well as Director of Cambiomex Casa de Cambio and member of the investment committee of various investment companies of Banco Mexicano Somex.
From 1983 to 1988 he was Director of Economic Research, Director of Economic Policy and Director of Financial Policy of the General Directorate of Fiscal Planning of the SHCP.
In 1979-1983 he served as an economist in the Department of Economic Studies of Banamex and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of CEESP.

He has been coordinator of the finance area of the Department of Administration of ITAM (1979-1980) and professor of various subjects at that institution. Additionally, he has taught various courses at CEMLA, INAP, UIA and UMI.
Director of Grupo Corvi, Valores Finamex, Seguros Tepeyac, IXE Investment Committee, Nafin Advisory Council for the DF and Grupo Medicus. Former director of Banca Promex, Afore Santander and Bancomext Risk Committee. He is an editorial writer for the Business Section of the newspaper Reforma and a contributor to Dinero y Poder on Channel 11 and Foro TV.

Leopoldo Burillo

Independent Member

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non ex nec nisl iaculis mollis eu a augue. Aenean sodales tincidunt aliquet. Etiam ullamcorper lorem in dapibus ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. thirst id

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non ex nec nisl iaculis mollis eu a augue. Aenean sodales tincidunt aliquet. Etiam ullamcorper lorem in dapibus ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. thirst id

Rodrigo Espinola Parra

Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Corporate Administration Directorate of the CFE

Rodrigo Espíndola Parra is a lawyer who graduated from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), with eighteen years of experience in federal and state public service. He holds two diplomas in Business Law and Public Administration from ITAM and the National Institute of Public Administration, respectively.
He began his professional career as a practicing attorney at the Guzmán y Asociados Law Firm, in the area of Commercial, Civil and Family Litigation.
In the public sector, he served as Legal Advisor in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Social Development. He also worked as a Career Public Servant, in the position of Legal Deputy Director in the National Coordination of the Human Development Program Oportunidades. In the Secretariat of Social Development, he served as head of the area of contracts and agreements, as president of the Committee on Transparency and Access to Information, as well as Director of Real Estate Regulation, Logistics and Control.
In the tax area, he was Legal Administrator of the General Director of the Administration and Disposal of Assets Service, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. In addition, he served as Coordinator of Commercial Bankruptcy and later as Executive Director of Administration of Insured Companies and Commercial Bankruptcy.
Since February 2019, he served as Deputy Treasurer of Tax Administration at the Secretariat of Administration and Finance of Mexico City, where he promoted various improvements to achieve more efficient and better collection of contributions, as well as close attention to taxpayers.
As of October 2024, he will serve as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services at the CFE, where he implements, coordinates and supervises actions related to market intelligence processes, as well as the contracting of goods, services, leases, works and related services for the CFE and its Subsidiary Productive Companies.

He was part of the CFEnergía affiliate company holding the position of Director of Energy Intelligence and since 2019 he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Productive Subsidiary Distribution Company, as well as a member of the Issuing Technical Committee of the CFECapital affiliate company.
In the academic field, he was coordinator and teacher of the Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance at the Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla and researcher at the Salary Observatory of the Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla and Mexico City. In addition, he has various academic and scientific articles published in academic refereed journals by CONACYT.

He has participated as a speaker in several conferences and seminars where he has addressed issues of exclusion, social mobility, bank nationalization and reprivatization, poverty, salaries, public policies, etc.
Currently, he works as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Federal Electricity Commission, developing and conducting market intelligence processes and contracting of Goods, Works and Related Services.

Hector Lizarraga

General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

He studied Mechanical Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Electronics from the Autonomous University of Baja California. He has a Master's degree in Business Management from Anáhuac University and a Diploma in Telecommunications from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey.

He has collaborated with the CFE for 32 years in different positions within the transmission sector, he was Manager of Optical Fiber Capacity Services, Manager of Expansion and Modernization, as well as Regional Manager of Transmission for Valley of Mexico and Central Region.
He is a specialist in the creation and supervision of PS projects at different stages, as well as in the design of operating procedures, analysis of technical problems and evaluation of projects.

He is currently General Director of CFE Transmission where he is responsible for the planning and coordination of the maintenance and operation of the high and medium power electrical network in the National Transmission Network, as well as the planning of both human and budgetary resources to be in a position to meet the objectives of the CFE Transmission Subsidiary Productive Company.

Mauricio Gonzalez

Independent Member

Economist from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (1976) and from the University of Chicago where he obtained a Master's degree (1978) and candidacy for a doctorate in economics (1979).
During his professional career he has combined private practice with public service. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as Deputy Director of Technical Assistance and Training at the North American Development Bank.

Between 1990 and 2003 he collaborated as Project Managing Partner and later Director of GEA Grupo de Economistas y Asociados, a consulting and economic and political analysis company in Mexico.
During 1989-1990 he was Finance Coordinator of Banco Mexicano Somex, as well as Director of Cambiomex Casa de Cambio and member of the investment committee of various investment companies of Banco Mexicano Somex.
From 1983 to 1988 he was Director of Economic Research, Director of Economic Policy and Director of Financial Policy of the General Directorate of Fiscal Planning of the SHCP.
In 1979-1983 he served as an economist in the Department of Economic Studies of Banamex and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of CEESP.

He has been coordinator of the finance area of the Department of Administration of ITAM (1979-1980) and professor of various subjects at that institution. Additionally, he has taught various courses at CEMLA, INAP, UIA and UMI.
Director of Grupo Corvi, Valores Finamex, Seguros Tepeyac, IXE Investment Committee, Nafin Advisory Council for the DF and Grupo Medicus. Former director of Banca Promex, Afore Santander and Bancomext Risk Committee. He is an editorial writer for the Business Section of the newspaper Reforma and a contributor to Dinero y Poder on Channel 11 and Foro TV.

Leopoldo Burillo

Independent Member

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non ex nec nisl iaculis mollis eu a augue. Aenean sodales tincidunt aliquet. Etiam ullamcorper lorem in dapibus ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. thirst id

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non ex nec nisl iaculis mollis eu a augue. Aenean sodales tincidunt aliquet. Etiam ullamcorper lorem in dapibus ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. thirst id

Leopoldo Eduardo Burillo Eguialis

Independent Member

Leopoldo has more than 27 years of experience in investment banking, structured financing, corporate banking, financial restructuring and public and private debt and equity placements. He has advised multiple companies, both local and international, among others, including Pinebridge Investments, Grupo Pegaso, SURA, Neology, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Media Products, CI Banco, Arcelor Mittal, Afore XXI, Prudential Financial, Alta Growth Capital , Henkel KGaA, Nacional Financiera, Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, SNC (BANOBRAS), Lockheed Martin, General Electric, General Motors Electro-Motive Division, Grupo ICA, Mexichem and Corporación

Currently, he is managing partner of Fimecap SA de CV and previously held the position of Managing Director, Head of Corporate Finance/M&A for The Royal Bank of Scotland in Mexico. He was Head of Client Coverage for ABN AMRO México and Managing Partner at Serficor SA de CV. Additionally, he has participated in the boards of the following companies: Afore XXI, Car Mart (subsidiary of Lo-Jack Corporation), Alta Growth Capital, International Network of M&A Partners, Association of International Corporate Advisors and Club de Golf Chapultepec.

Mauricio Gonzalez

Independent Member

Economist from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (1976) and from the University of Chicago where he obtained a Master's degree (1978) and candidacy for a doctorate in economics (1979).
During his professional career he has combined private practice with public service. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as Deputy Director of Technical Assistance and Training at the North American Development Bank.
Between 1990 and 2003 he collaborated as Project Managing Partner and later Director of GEA Grupo de Economistas y Asociados, a consulting and economic and political analysis company in Mexico.
During 1989-1990 he was Finance Coordinator of Banco Mexicano Somex, as well as Director of Cambiomex Casa de Cambio and member of the investment committee of various investment companies of Banco Mexicano Somex.
From 1983 to 1988 he was Director of Economic Research, Director of Economic Policy and Director of Financial Policy of the General Directorate of Fiscal Planning of the SHCP.
In 1979-1983 he served as an economist in the Department of Economic Studies of Banamex and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of CEESP.
He has been coordinator of the finance area of the Department of Administration of ITAM (1979-1980) and professor of various subjects at that institution. Additionally, he has taught various courses at CEMLA, INAP, UIA and UMI.
Director of Grupo Corvi, Valores Finamex, Seguros Tepeyac, IXE Investment Committee, Nafin Advisory Council for the DF and Grupo Medicus. Former director of Banca Promex, Afore Santander and Bancomext Risk Committee. He is an editorial writer for the Business Section of the newspaper Reforma and a contributor to Dinero y Poder on Channel 11 and Foro TV.

Hector Lizarraga

General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

He studied Mechanical Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Electronics from the Autonomous University of Baja California. He has a Master's degree in Business Management from Anáhuac University and a Diploma in Telecommunications from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey.

He has collaborated with the CFE for 32 years in different positions within the transmission sector, he was Manager of Optical Fiber Capacity Services, Manager of Expansion and Modernization, as well as Regional Manager of Transmission for Valley of Mexico and Central Region.

He is a specialist in the creation and supervision of PS projects at different stages, as well as in the design of operating procedures, analysis of technical problems and evaluation of projects.

He is currently General Director of CFE Transmission where he is responsible for the planning and coordination of the maintenance and operation of the high and medium power electrical network in the National Transmission Network, as well as the planning of both human and budgetary resources to be in a position to meet the objectives of the CFE Transmission Subsidiary Productive Company.

Rodrigo Espinola Parra

Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Corporate Administration Directorate of the CFE

He has a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance and Master's degree in Public Policy from Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla where he obtained the Eusebio Francisco Kino Medal for academic merit.
He has participated as an advisor to the parliamentary group of the Labor Party in the Mexican Senate of the Republic on energy and public finance.
He was part of the CFEnergía affiliate company holding the position of Director of Energy Intelligence and since 2019 he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Productive Subsidiary Distribution Company, as well as a member of the Issuing Technical Committee of the CFECapital affiliate company.
In the academic field, he was coordinator and teacher of the Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance at the Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla and researcher at the Salary Observatory of the Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla and Mexico City. In addition, he has various academic and scientific articles published in academic refereed journals by CONACYT.
He has participated as a speaker in several conferences and seminars where he has addressed issues of exclusion, social mobility, bank nationalization and reprivatization, poverty, salaries, public policies, etc.
Currently, he works as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Federal Electricity Commission, developing and conducting market intelligence processes and contracting of Goods, Works and Related Services.


Technical Committee of the Issuing Trust

Leopoldo Eduardo Burillo Eguialis

Independent Member

Leopoldo has more than 27 years of experience in investment banking, structured financing, corporate banking, financial restructuring and public and private debt and equity placements. He has advised multiple companies, both local and international, among others, including Pinebridge Investments, Grupo Pegaso, SURA, Neology, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Media Products, CI Banco, Arcelor Mittal, Afore XXI, Prudential Financial, Alta Growth Capital , Henkel KGaA, Nacional Financiera, Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, SNC (BANOBRAS), Lockheed Martin, General Electric, General Motors Electro-Motive Division, Grupo ICA, Mexichem and Corporación Scribe.

Currently, he is managing partner of Fimecap S.A. de C.V. and previously held the position of Managing Director, Head of Corporate Finance/M&A for the Royal Bank of Scotland in Mexico. He was Head of Client Coverage for ABN AMRO México and Managing Partner at Serficor S.A. de C.V. Additionally, he has participated in the boards of the following companies: Afore XXI, Car Mart (subsidiary of Lo-Jack Corporation), Alta Growth Capital, International Network of M&A Partners, Association of International Corporate Advisors and Club de Golf Chapultepec.

Mauricio Antonio González Gómez

Independent Member

Economist from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (1976) and from the University of Chicago where he obtained a Master's degree (1978) and candidacy for a doctorate in economics (1979).

During his professional career he has combined private practice with public service. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as Deputy Director of Technical Assistance and Training at the North American Development Bank.

Between 1990 and 2003 he collaborated as Project Managing Partner and later Director of GEA Grupo de Economistas y Asociados, a consulting and economic and political analysis company in Mexico.

During 1989-1990 he was Finance Coordinator of Banco Mexicano Somex, as well as Director of Cambiomex Casa de Cambio and member of the investment committee of various investment companies of Banco Mexicano Somex.

From 1983 to 1988 he was Director of Economic Research, Director of Economic Policy and Director of Financial Policy of the General Directorate of Fiscal Planning of the SHCP.

In 1979-1983 he served as an economist in the Department of Economic Studies of Banamex and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of CEESP.

He has been coordinator of the finance area of the Department of Administration of ITAM (1979-1980) and professor of various subjects at that institution. Additionally, he has taught various courses at CEMLA, INAP, UIA and UMI.

Director of Grupo Corvi, Valores Finamex, Seguros Tepeyac, IXE Investment Committee, Nafin Advisory Council for the DF and Grupo Medicus. Former director of Banca Promex, Afore Santander and Bancomext Risk Committee. He is an editorial writer for the Business Section of the newspaper Reforma and a contributor to Dinero y Poder on Channel 11 and Foro TV.

Héctor Edgardo Lizárraga Robles

General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

He studied Mechanical Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Electronics from the Autonomous University of Baja California. He has a Master's degree in Business Management from Anáhuac University and a Diploma in Telecommunications from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey.

He has collaborated with the CFE for 32 years in different positions within the transmission sector, he was Manager of Optical Fiber Capacity Services, Manager of Expansion and Modernization, as well as Regional Manager of Transmission for Valley of Mexico and Central Region.

He is a specialist in the creation and supervision of PS projects at different stages, as well as in the design of operating procedures, analysis of technical problems and evaluation of projects.

He is currently General Director of CFE Transmission where he is responsible for the planning and coordination of the maintenance and operation of the high and medium power electrical network in the National Transmission Network, as well as the planning of both human and budgetary resources to be in a position to meet the objectives of the CFE Transmission Subsidiary Productive Company.

Rodrigo Espindola Parra

Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the Corporate Administration Directorate of the CFE

Rodrigo Espíndola Parra is a lawyer who graduated from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), with eighteen years of experience in federal and state public service. He holds two diplomas in Business Law and Public Administration from ITAM and the National Institute of Public Administration, respectively.
He began his professional career as a practicing attorney at the Guzmán y Asociados Law Firm, in the area of Commercial, Civil and Family Litigation.

In the public sector, he served as Legal Advisor in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Social Development. He also worked as a Career Public Servant, in the position of Legal Deputy Director in the National Coordination of the Human Development Program Oportunidades. In the Secretariat of Social Development, he served as head of the area of contracts and agreements, as president of the Committee on Transparency and Access to Information, as well as Director of Real Estate Regulation, Logistics and Control.

In the tax area, he was Legal Administrator of the General Director of the Administration and Disposal of Assets Service, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. In addition, he served as Coordinator of Commercial Bankruptcy and later as Executive Director of Administration of Insured Companies and Commercial Bankruptcy.

Since February 2019, he served as Deputy Treasurer of Tax Administration at the Secretariat of Administration and Finance of Mexico City, where he promoted various improvements to achieve more efficient and better collection of contributions, as well as close attention to taxpayers.

As of October 2024, he will serve as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services at the CFE, where he implements, coordinates and supervises actions related to market intelligence processes, as well as the contracting of goods, services, leases, works and related services for the CFE and its Subsidiary Productive Companies.

Leopoldo Eduardo Burillo Eguialis
Independent Member

Leopoldo has more than 27 years of experience in investment banking, structured financing, corporate banking, financial restructuring and public and private debt and equity placements. He has advised multiple companies, both local and international, among others, including Pinebridge Investments, Grupo Pegaso, SURA, Neology, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Media Products, CI Banco, Arcelor Mittal, Afore XXI, Prudential Financial, Alta Growth Capital , Henkel KGaA, Nacional Financiera, Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, SNC (BANOBRAS), Lockheed Martin, General Electric, General Motors Electro-Motive Division, Grupo ICA, Mexichem and Corporación Scribe.

Currently, he is managing partner of Fimecap SA de CV and previously held the position of Managing Director, Head of Corporate Finance/M&A; for The Royal Bank of Scotland in Mexico. He was Head of Client Coverage for ABN AMRO México and Managing Partner at Serficor SA de CV. Additionally, he has participated in the boards of the following companies: Afore XXI, Car Mart (subsidiary of Lo-Jack Corporation), Alta Growth Capital, International Network of M&A Partners, Association of International Corporate Advisors and Club de Golf Chapultepec.

Mauricio Antonio González Gómez
Independent Member

Economist from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (1976) and from the University of Chicago where he obtained a Master's degree (1978) and candidacy for a doctorate in economics (1979).

During his professional career he has combined private practice with public service. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as Deputy Director of Technical Assistance and Training at the North American Development Bank.

Between 1990 and 2003 he collaborated as Project Managing Partner and later Director of GEA Grupo de Economistas y Asociados, a consulting and economic and political analysis company in Mexico.

During 1989-1990 he was Finance Coordinator of Banco Mexicano Somex, as well as Director of Cambiomex Casa de Cambio and member of the investment committee of various investment companies of Banco Mexicano Somex.

From 1983 to 1988 he was Director of Economic Research, Director of Economic Policy and Director of Financial Policy of the General Directorate of Fiscal Planning of the SHCP.

In 1979-1983 he served as an economist in the Department of Economic Studies of Banamex and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of CEESP.

He has been coordinator of the finance area of the Department of Administration of ITAM (1979-1980) and professor of various subjects at that institution. Additionally, he has taught various courses at CEMLA, INAP, UIA and UMI.

Director of Grupo Corvi, Valores Finamex, Seguros Tepeyac, IXE Investment Committee, Nafin Advisory Council for the DF and Grupo Medicus. Former director of Banca Promex, Afore Santander and Bancomext Risk Committee. He is an editorial writer for the Business Section of the newspaper Reforma and a contributor to Dinero y Poder on Channel 11 and Foro TV.

Héctor Edgardo Lizárraga Robles
General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

He studied Mechanical Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Electronics from the Autonomous University of Baja California. He has a Master's degree in Business Management from Anáhuac University and a Diploma in Telecommunications from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey.

He has collaborated with the CFE for 32 years in different positions within the transmission sector, he was Manager of Optical Fiber Capacity Services, Manager of Expansion and Modernization, as well as Regional Manager of Transmission for Valley of Mexico and Central Region.

He is a specialist in the creation and supervision of PS projects at different stages, as well as in the creation of operating procedures, analysis of technical problems and project evaluation.

He is currently General Director of CFE Transmission where he is responsible for the planning and coordination of the maintenance and operation of the high and medium power electrical network in the National Transmission Network, as well as the planning of both human and budgetary resources to be in a position to meet the objectives of the CFE Transmission Subsidiary Productive Company.

Rodrigo Espindola Parra
Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the CFE

Rodrigo Espíndola Parra is a lawyer who graduated from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), with eighteen years of experience in federal and state public service. He holds two diplomas in Business Law and Public Administration from ITAM and the National Institute of Public Administration, respectively.


He began his professional career as a practicing attorney at the Guzmán y Asociados Law Firm, in the area of Commercial, Civil and Family Litigation.


In the public sector, he served as Legal Advisor in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Social Development. He also worked as a Career Public Servant, in the position of Legal Deputy Director in the National Coordination of the Human Development Program Oportunidades. In the Secretariat of Social Development, he served as head of the area of contracts and agreements, as president of the Committee on Transparency and Access to Information, as well as Director of Real Estate Regulation, Logistics and Control.


In the tax area, he was Legal Administrator of the General Director of the Administration and Disposal of Assets Service, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. In addition, he served as Coordinator of Commercial Bankruptcy and later as Executive Director of Administration of Insured Companies and Commercial Bankruptcy.


Since February 2019, he served as Deputy Treasurer of Tax Administration at the Secretariat of Administration and Finance of Mexico City, where he promoted various improvements to achieve more efficient and better collection of contributions, as well as close attention to taxpayers.


As of October 2024, he will serve as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services at the CFE, where he implements, coordinates and supervises actions related to market intelligence processes, as well as the contracting of goods, services, leases, works and related services for the CFE and its Subsidiary Productive Companies.

Leopoldo Eduardo Burillo Eguialis

Independent Member

Leopoldo Eduardo Burillo Eguialis
Independent Member

Leopoldo has more than 27 years of experience in investment banking, structured financing, corporate banking, financial restructuring and public and private debt and equity placements. He has advised multiple companies, both local and international, among others, including Pinebridge Investments, Grupo Pegaso, SURA, Neology, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Media Products, CI Banco, Arcelor Mittal, Afore XXI, Prudential Financial, Alta Growth Capital , Henkel KGaA, Nacional Financiera, Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, SNC (BANOBRAS), Lockheed Martin, General Electric, General Motors Electro-Motive Division, Grupo ICA, Mexichem and Corporación Scribe.

Currently, he is managing partner of Fimecap SA de CV and previously held the position of Managing Director, Head of Corporate Finance/M&A; for The Royal Bank of Scotland in Mexico. He was Head of Client Coverage for ABN AMRO México and Managing Partner at Serficor SA de CV. Additionally, he has participated in the boards of the following companies: Afore XXI, Car Mart (subsidiary of Lo-Jack Corporation), Alta Growth Capital, International Network of M&A Partners, Association of International Corporate Advisors and Club de Golf Chapultepec.

Mauricio Antonio González Gómez

Independent Member

Mauricio Antonio González Gómez
Independent Member

Economist from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (1976) and from the University of Chicago where he obtained a Master's degree (1978) and candidacy for a doctorate in economics (1979).

During his professional career he has combined private practice with public service. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as Deputy Director of Technical Assistance and Training at the North American Development Bank.

Between 1990 and 2003 he collaborated as Project Managing Partner and later Director of GEA Grupo de Economistas y Asociados, a consulting and economic and political analysis company in Mexico.

During 1989-1990 he was Finance Coordinator of Banco Mexicano Somex, as well as Director of Cambiomex Casa de Cambio and member of the investment committee of various investment companies of Banco Mexicano Somex.

From 1983 to 1988 he was Director of Economic Research, Director of Economic Policy and Director of Financial Policy of the General Directorate of Fiscal Planning of the SHCP.

In 1979-1983 he served as an economist in the Department of Economic Studies of Banamex and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of CEESP.

He has been coordinator of the finance area of the Department of Administration of ITAM (1979-1980) and professor of various subjects at that institution. Additionally, he has taught various courses at CEMLA, INAP, UIA and UMI.

Director of Grupo Corvi, Valores Finamex, Seguros Tepeyac, IXE Investment Committee, Nafin Advisory Council for the DF and Grupo Medicus. Former director of Banca Promex, Afore Santander and Bancomext Risk Committee. He is an editorial writer for the Business Section of the newspaper Reforma and a contributor to Dinero y Poder on Channel 11 and Foro TV.

Héctor Edgardo Lizárraga Robles

General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

Héctor Edgardo Lizárraga Robles
General Director of the Subsidiary Productive Company CFE Transmission

He studied Mechanical Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Electronics from the Autonomous University of Baja California. He has a Master's degree in Business Management from Anáhuac University and a Diploma in Telecommunications from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey.

He has collaborated with the CFE for 32 years in different positions within the transmission sector, he was Manager of Optical Fiber Capacity Services, Manager of Expansion and Modernization, as well as Regional Manager of Transmission for Valley of Mexico and Central Region.

He is a specialist in the creation and supervision of PS projects at different stages, as well as in the creation of operating procedures, analysis of technical problems and project evaluation.

He is currently General Director of CFE Transmission where he is responsible for the planning and coordination of the maintenance and operation of the high and medium power electrical network in the National Transmission Network, as well as the planning of both human and budgetary resources to be in a position to meet the objectives of the CFE Transmission Subsidiary Productive Company.

Rodrigo Espindola Parra

Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the CFE

Rodrigo Espindola Parra
Deputy Director of Contracting and Services of the CFE

Rodrigo Espíndola Parra is a lawyer who graduated from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), with eighteen years of experience in federal and state public service. He holds two diplomas in Business Law and Public Administration from ITAM and the National Institute of Public Administration, respectively.


He began his professional career as a practicing attorney at the Guzmán y Asociados Law Firm, in the area of Commercial, Civil and Family Litigation.


In the public sector, he served as Legal Advisor in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Social Development. He also worked as a Career Public Servant, in the position of Legal Deputy Director in the National Coordination of the Human Development Program Oportunidades. In the Secretariat of Social Development, he served as head of the area of contracts and agreements, as president of the Committee on Transparency and Access to Information, as well as Director of Real Estate Regulation, Logistics and Control.


In the tax area, he was Legal Administrator of the General Director of the Administration and Disposal of Assets Service, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. In addition, he served as Coordinator of Commercial Bankruptcy and later as Executive Director of Administration of Insured Companies and Commercial Bankruptcy.


Since February 2019, he served as Deputy Treasurer of Tax Administration at the Secretariat of Administration and Finance of Mexico City, where he promoted various improvements to achieve more efficient and better collection of contributions, as well as close attention to taxpayers.


As of October 2024, he will serve as Deputy Director of Contracting and Services at the CFE, where he implements, coordinates and supervises actions related to market intelligence processes, as well as the contracting of goods, services, leases, works and related services for the CFE and its Subsidiary Productive Companies.
